Collection: Sample Vial

Welch Materials' sample vials are crafted from Type I hydrolytic borosilicate glass, compliant with the United States and European Pharmacopeias. These products are designed to reduce consumables in your experiments, minimize errors caused by ghost peaks, needle damage, and septa movement, and significantly decrease the likelihood of failed analyses. They also allow for effective sample reuse.

Product Features

  1. LCGC certified for quality assurance.
  2. Made from high-quality Type I 51-expansion glass and Type II 33-expansion glass.
  3. Manufactured with computerized photo inspection systems to control quality parameters such as height, diameter, bottom thickness, vial mouth, and thread.
  4. Compatible with a variety of HPLC, LC-MS, and GC instruments.
  5. Large inventory available to meet diverse customer demands.
  6. Vials, caps, and septa can be purchased separately.
  7. Excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility.

Selection Chart

Image Item Specifications
Autosampler Vial 2 mL 9-425 (kit, vial, insert), 0.3 mL 9-425, 4 mL 13-425, 0.2 mL 9-425, 2 mL 8-425 (vial, insert), 2 mL crimp vial, 2 mL snap vial
Ultra-clean autosampler vial kit
Ultra-clean Vial Kit 2 mL 9-425
Breath Sampling Vial 12 mL
PFAS Analysis Vial 2 mL 9-425 (clear, amber), 0.7 mL 9-425, 0.3 mL 9-425 (clear, amber)
Headspace Vial 10 mL, 20 mL Screw (vial, caps & septa)
6 mL, 10 mL, 20 mL Crimp (vial, caps & septa)
Scintillation Counting Vial 7 mL, 20 mL
Storage Vial 2 mL — 10 mL
Shell Vial 1 mL
TOC Vial Kit 20 mL, 40 mL
Caps & Septa