A flash column, also known as a flash cartridge, is a key component used in flash chromatography—a rapid and efficient technique for separating and purifying compounds from a mixture. Flash chromatography is widely employed in organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and biochemistry for purifying synthesized compounds, isolating natural products, and performing small-scale separations. The new generation WelFlash cartridges developed by Welch Materials undergo rigorous quality testing in mid-to-low pressure preparative applications. The narrow particle size distribution of the packing material ensures that the cartridge maintains lower pressure during use. The cartridge tube is made of polypropylene material, ensuring compatibility with various solvents. The product features high-pressure resistance, excellent column efficiency, corrosion resistance, and other advantages.
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Product features
• Luer-lok import and Luer export, good compatibility with most systems, such as lsco, Biotage, and Armen.
• PP column tube and adapter can tolerate the pressure of regular systems.
• Strict Products Quality Testing Process
• Available in the following specifications: 4g, 12g, 25g, 40g, 80g, 120g, 220g, 330g, 800g and 1600g.